We must continue the last thought about scientific reasoning. Far from chosen to become a historian. Fate has long since decided it for me. Jurisprudence. The creed of a lifetime. Becoming a lawyer will give me a way to develop myself and the system in which I will act. But it should be noted that he is interested in public service. It is more effective, in my opinion. I am in love with solving crimes, legal proceedings, work in the system of internal affairs and justice. I know that this is not a simple skill, but the forces and desire I have put in will yield their fruits.
I have a dream. Become a doctor of law. And teach on the slope of my age. It is difficult at the moment to bring up the generation of professional officers of justice, it is very difficult with this fact. As a citizen, I am interested in the correct execution of the duty to my fatherland, I will weigh the land in order to provide the state with new cadres of professional and not impudent jurists, policemen, prosecutors, lawyers.
At the moment, I feel a sense of shame for the present time - a time of irresponsibility. Sometimes scary. But fear recedes. I feed myself with knowledge and reflections. You just have to be responsible. And all will be well.

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