I love science very much. I can not imagine my life without this component. From early childhood, the world around was involved, its perfect views, riddles and clues of scientists, many of which are an example for me. From 6 years I am engaged in history. In my opinion, quite an important thing. It exists where there is time. It is everywhere, everywhere is powerful. It has power over us, over any living object. Understanding the course of time determines the understanding of time itself, and as a result, contact with it, finding control points and aspirations. Having in mind a series of knowledge about the essence of the historical process, factology, some kind of management is possible over the actual processes. I must say, in history, if you present it as a teacher, she has the worst students. They are massively mistaken and do not stop doing it. The selection of errors and their analysis allows you to gain important knowledge for life - a reasonable course of the time process and the achievement of public goods. She is important to me. I will not deny her.

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